Save your money kids. Don't invest in Sonic.

hi I'm Plurmp
i like sonic


look into my eyes. i am the one that feeds on pure spite.

the more you tell me "sonegg gross," the more art and fic i'm gunna make of them fucking each other's brains out. so please send some motivation my way if you get the chance

that said, if you don't want me interacting with you (ie i retweeted/commented on something of yours) then just block me or shoot me a message asking me to undo it. i get it. curate your own space in his hellscape.

but i'll keep it real with ya chief: if you wanna clown on my art or fics, you're tempting the troll. i don't argue back. i'm not gunna try and get you to see my point of view, and you ain't gunna get me to see yours. i'm just gunna block you, then point and laugh and mock you in screenshots for as long as you keep trying to get to me.

on on the note of my nsfw: like, listen. yes i don't like minors interacting with it. i don't like minors reading my nsfw fics. i'm also not your parental unit, so if you interact and then whine to me about how it was "inappropriate" for you, you're gunna get ignored/blocked like the whiny brat you are.

i can't believe i'm doing this but

• radfems/terfs/swerfs/exclusionists: like fuck off, and also stop trying to pretend you're all any different from each other

• in general, i feel i dont have to understand your individual identity to respect you and accept that i'll never keep up with the growth of the LGBT+ community. you pick whatever label you want and are comfy with, i dont give a fuck

• racists/bigots: if you read this far and think you're welcome to interact with me, i think you're too ignorant to realize otherwise

• maps/pedos/people attracted to actual children: for real fuck OFF this website, and any others, go seek professional help

• i'm pro choice, pro sex work, pro improving sex education in schools since children on this website make me sad, and 110% pro separation of church and state


listen. alright, just. listen.

• It is absolutely canon that Sonic and Eggman are friendly enemies. As to how friendly depends on game/interpretation. You cannot deny this fact.
• At least in IDW canon, Sonic and Eggman are just. fucking obsessed with each other. This is also a fact.
• Not only are they willing to work together, multiple times, but Eggman always turns to Sonic to save his sorry ass because he knows Sonic will. And that isn't strictly because Sonic is a "good guy."
• Sonic isn't just fighting Eggman because it's the "right" thing, he even says himself he's a "guy that loves adventure." And what adventures would Sonic have, if Eggman weren't behind 99% of them? HMMM
• i hate ken penders as a person so don't expect me to read the whole archie comics BUT they made it fact that Sonic literally couldn't pick between Sally and Eggman. Betty and Veronia, anyone?
• Debateably canon, but considering Mike acknowledges it lets consider it close enough. Eggman has a shred of mercy that prevents him from killing Sonic outright.
• If that's not enough, again in IDW canon Eggman outright says he wants to beat Sonic, not just kill him, and becomes enraged when Starline dares to try and destroy his nemesis >:3
• The entirety of Sonic Boom is literally Eggman trying to gain Sonic's approval. i'm not kidding.
• The first time Sonic sees Eggman in Colors, he does a fancy heel-turn and slaps his ass. there is no heterosexual explanation for this.

• Also this


i'm p much just here and ao3
we need to be good friends before i give you my 73 alternative accounts and you post my nudes on twitter dot com